A Kiss that Shook the World: Unveiling the History and Impact of Eisenstaedt’s V-J Day Photo

Juan José González
13 min readMay 26, 2023


The Kiss, 1945

CaramelIn the frenzied heart of New York City, amidst a sea of joyous faces celebrating the end of a global conflict, a navy sailor and a nurse shared a passionate kiss that would immortalize them forever. The moment, captured in black and white, resonates with the triumphant heartbeat of a nation sighing in relief and heralding the dawn of peace. This iconic photograph, known as “V-J Day in Times Square” or simply “The Kiss,” stands not only as a testament to the end of World War II but as a poignant symbol of human emotion at the crossroads of history.

This image, striking in its spontaneity, vividly encapsulates the raw emotion and jubilation of the time, offering a snapshot into a moment that changed the world. But who were the people in the photograph? What brought them together in that moment? How did this spontaneous act become an enduring symbol of victory and peace?

These are some of the questions that we will explore in this blog post. So, prepare for a journey back in time to the bustling streets of Times Square on August 14, 1945. It’s a story that carries the thrill of victory, the relief of peace, and the enigmatic lives of two individuals caught in a singular, powerful moment.

Welcome to the world behind “The Kiss.”

Context of the Image

Picture this: It’s the summer of 1945. World War II, one of the most devastating conflicts in human history, is nearing its end. For years, the war has wreaked havoc across the globe, shaping the realities of millions. But on August 14, news begins to ripple across the world — Japan has surrendered. The war is over.

In New York City, the air buzzes with an energy unseen in years. Strangers embrace, tears are shed, and laughter echoes through the canyons of skyscrapers. Times Square, the pulsating heart of the city, is awash with a sense of relief and joy that is almost palpable. Every face tells a story — stories of loved ones lost, of sacrifices made, of homes changed forever, but now, they also tell a story of hope.

Victory over Japan Day, or V-J Day, as it came to be known, was a collective sigh of relief for a world holding its breath. From the remote farmlands of the Midwest to the bustling streets of Manhattan, the news spread like wildfire, sparking spontaneous celebrations.

In the midst of this euphoria, a lone photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt, armed with his camera, roamed the streets of Times Square. He was there not just to witness history, but to capture it in its purest, most authentic form. His mission? To freeze in time the faces and feelings of a nation transitioning from war to peace.

And amidst the waves of navy blue uniforms and civilian attire, a sailor and a nurse found themselves at the center of a photograph that would transcend time. Their kiss, a spontaneous outpouring of relief and excitement, was a microcosm of the collective emotion sweeping the nation. Little did they know, their moment of unguarded jubilation would become a symbol of an era, a beacon of hope, and an icon of victory.

In the next chapters, we delve into the lives of those who stood in the frame, the man behind the lens, and the moment that forever encapsulated the euphoria of a world transitioning from war to peace. Stay with us, as we journey back to that momentous day and relive the story behind “The Kiss”.

The Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt

Imagine capturing a thousand words without uttering a single one. This was the art of Alfred Eisenstaedt, a man who spoke through the lens of his camera, and whose body of work has echoed through the annals of time.

Born in 1898 in Dirschau, Germany, Eisenstaedt’s life was as captivating as the pictures he took. A childhood passion turned into a vocation when, despite witnessing the horrors of World War I as a German soldier, he clung onto his camera, his silent companion. After the war, Eisenstaedt plunged into the vibrant and evolving world of photography, his talent quickly catching the eye of the world.

By the time World War II rolled around, he had moved to the United States and had become a prominent staff photographer for Life magazine. Eisenstaedt, known affectionately as ‘Eisie’ by his peers, was the master of candid photography. He captured life as it unfolded, documenting the mundane, the extraordinary, the grim, and the jubilant. His lens was his canvas, and the world was his muse.

Eisie roamed the crowded streets of Times Square on V-J Day, armed not just with his camera but with an intuition honed by years behind the lens. As the joyous uproar unfurled around him, he sought to encapsulate the raw emotion and elation of the moment. Through the sea of rejoicing faces, Eisenstaedt’s lens found its focus on a sailor, a nurse, and a kiss.

Eisenstaedt’s ability to capture this fleeting moment of passion and relief amongst a backdrop of public celebration was a testament to his skill as a photographer. In his own words, he aimed to “find and catch the storytelling moment.” And on that historic day, he did just that. His photograph immortalized a sailor and a nurse in a heartfelt embrace, forever binding their story with the end of World War II.

As we delve deeper into this iconic image, remember Eisenstaedt’s words: “It’s more important to click with people than to click the shutter.” This, more than anything else, defined his approach to photography. And on V-J Day, in the midst of Times Square, he found a connection with two strangers that would resonate across decades.

Next, we explore the lives of these two individuals, caught in a spontaneous act of celebration, forever framed in history by Alfred Eisenstaedt.

The Moment Frozen in Time

As celebrations unfurled like a boisterous tapestry across the nation, the beating heart of New York City pulsed with a joyous rhythm all its own. Times Square, a veritable kaleidoscope of human emotion, teemed with jubilant throngs of servicemen, women, and civilians alike. It was in this setting that Eisenstaedt captured a moment that would ripple through time.

Imagine the scene: The air is thick with a cocktail of relief, triumph, and burgeoning peace. A sailor, clad in his uniform of navy blue, weaves through the crowd. Across from him, a nurse, dressed in stark white, stands as a testament to the healing that has begun and the wounds that are yet to close. As they meet, their energies collide, and in a whirl of blue and white, they share a kiss — passionate, heartfelt, relieved.

Eisenstaedt’s photograph captures this precise second in all its glory. The nurse, her body leaning backward in a graceful arc, surrenders to the sailor’s passionate kiss. Her right hand rests lightly on his arm, a symbol of gentle acquiescence. The sailor, his left hand cradling her head, embodies the fervor of victory. Around them, life continues unabated; spectators watch on, some in surprise, others in shared revelry.

The image, devoid of color, holds a power that transcends the monochromatic palette. The contrast between the sailor’s dark uniform and the nurse’s white dress symbolizes a myriad of dichotomies: war and peace, suffering and healing, departure and homecoming. Yet their shared embrace speaks of unity — a momentary merger of two distinct paths amidst a sea of celebration.

This photograph is not just a frozen moment; it’s a crystallized emotion. The euphoria of a nation returning to peace, the cathartic release following years of collective anxiety, the exhilaration of a future free from war — all embodied in a single, spontaneous act of passion.

As we journey further into the story behind this iconic image, we will delve into the lives of the sailor and the nurse who became unwitting symbols of a nation’s collective sigh of relief. Their identities, once shrouded in mystery, will become part of the larger narrative that is “The Kiss.”

The Characters: George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman

Two strangers, two journeys, converging at a single point in time — this is the story of George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman, the sailor and the nurse immortalized in Eisenstaedt’s iconic photograph.

George Mendonsa was a typical American boy hailing from the small state of Rhode Island. The son of a fisherman, he followed in his father’s footsteps until the wave of World War II swept him into the vast ocean of conflict. As a sailor in the Pacific theater, Mendonsa experienced the brutal realities of war first-hand. After years of service, when news of Japan’s surrender reached him, relief mixed with an intense joy, and, like many others, he found himself celebrating in Times Square.

Greta Zimmer Friedman, on the other hand, was a dental assistant by day and a theater enthusiast by night. Born in Austria, she fled to America with her sisters as a Jewish refugee, leaving behind her parents, who later perished in the Holocaust. As a spectator to the horrors of war, her journey was distinct yet no less impactful than Mendonsa’s.

As Mendonsa spotted Friedman in her nurse-like outfit (though she wasn’t a nurse, many have continued to refer to her as such due to her attire), he was drawn to her. In his mind, she represented the nurses who had cared for the wounded soldiers and sailors during the war. Overwhelmed by the moment, he pulled her into a spontaneous embrace, a gesture of gratitude, of relief, and of celebration.

Friedman, surprised by the sudden kiss, recalled later, “I didn’t know this man…but then he kissed me, and I closed my eyes.” This moment of surprise, this unguarded emotional exchange, was what Eisenstaedt captured in his photograph.

Together, Mendonsa and Friedman became a symbol of the shared joy and relief that swept the nation on V-J Day. Their identities would remain a mystery for many years until a series of investigations would eventually link their names to the iconic image.

As we delve deeper into the controversy surrounding the image and its impact on popular culture, remember Mendonsa and Friedman, two ordinary individuals who, in a moment of pure emotion, became a timeless symbol of a turning point in history.

Controversy Surrounding the Image

While “The Kiss” has been widely celebrated as an iconic symbol of the end of World War II, it has not been without its share of controversy and debate.

The first controversy originated from a simple question: Who were the sailor and the nurse? For years, the identities of these two individuals remained shrouded in mystery. Multiple people claimed to be the subjects of the photograph, each with their own narratives and evidence. It wasn’t until an extensive investigation involving forensic and photographic analysis that George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman were confirmed as the individuals in Eisenstaedt’s photograph.

Yet, the debate extended beyond the identities of the individuals. The photograph, taken in a different era, has been reassessed under the lens of modern considerations and sparked conversations about consent. In the photograph, Mendonsa and Friedman were not acquainted, their kiss was spontaneous, not planned or agreed upon. Some have come to view the photograph as a problematic representation of a non-consensual act.

Friedman herself later stated in an interview that the kiss wasn’t her choice, adding a layer of complexity to the image. Yet, she also acknowledged the historical context and the euphoria of the moment that led to the spontaneous act.

Such controversies and debates have only added to the intrigue surrounding the photograph. They highlight the complexities of history, the evolution of societal norms, and how our perceptions can change over time.

While “The Kiss” will forever symbolize a moment of jubilation at the end of a grim period in history, it also serves as a discussion point for evolving understandings of personal boundaries and respect. As we explore the impact and legacy of this photograph, we’ll delve into how it has been received over time, its representation in popular culture, and its enduring influence as a symbol of peace and victory.

Impact and Legacy

Eisenstaedt’s photograph has become an emblem of the euphoria felt worldwide at the conclusion of World War II. More than just an image, “The Kiss” is a collective memory, frozen in time, echoing the joy and relief of a long-awaited peace.

The impact of the photograph was immediate. Published in LIFE magazine a week after it was taken, the image resonated with people around the world. It was a snapshot of a fleeting moment, but its symbolism was universal. Through the lens of a single, spontaneous act, people saw the triumphant end of a dark chapter in human history.

The legacy of “The Kiss” transcends the frame of the photograph. The image has been reproduced and referenced countless times across various mediums of popular culture. From commemorative statues to movie references, parodies in cartoons, and re-enactments at V-J Day anniversaries, the reach of this iconic photograph continues to widen.

Yet, the image’s legacy is not only one of victory and relief. As we’ve discussed, it has also sparked important conversations about consent and the ways in which societal norms have evolved over time. In this sense, the legacy of “The Kiss” is twofold: it serves as both a symbol of peace and a point of reflection for societal progress.

Despite the controversies, the image remains a poignant reminder of a momentous day. As we remember “The Kiss,” we remember the joyous end of World War II. We remember George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman, whose spontaneous embrace became a symbol of an era. And we remember Alfred Eisenstaedt, who, through his lens, captured a moment that would echo through the ages.

As we conclude our exploration of this historic photograph, let us reflect on its significance — as a symbol of peace, as a snapshot of history, and as a catalyst for important conversations. “The Kiss” is more than just a photograph; it’s a timeless story of humanity caught amidst the crossroads of history.


As we conclude this journey through time, space, and emotions, we are left with an indelible image and a myriad of impressions that transcend the simple act of a kiss. Through the lens of Alfred Eisenstaedt, we have navigated the contours of an era marked by war and ended with an overwhelming sigh of relief.

“The Kiss” serves as a reminder of the collective joy felt on V-J Day and the spontaneous human expressions that burst forth in the face of monumental news. The photograph captures the unfiltered, raw emotions of George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman — two individuals who, while unknown to each other, were momentarily bound in an act of jubilation, immortalizing them as the face of a nation’s exuberance.

Yet, our exploration has also led us to confront more complex aspects of the image. The controversy surrounding the identities of the sailor and the nurse adds layers of intrigue to the story, as does the modern reevaluation of the photograph in terms of consent. These aspects underscore the evolving nature of societal norms and the nuances inherent in historic moments.

The image has imprinted itself in the annals of popular culture, its symbolism and influence extending far beyond its original context. It serves as both a joyous and contentious icon, offering valuable insights into the past while stimulating necessary discussions about societal norms and respect.

So, as we step back from our examination of this iconic image, let us appreciate it not only for its photographic excellence and historical significance, but also for its capacity to generate dialogue. “The Kiss” is an enduring narrative — a single moment, captured in black and white, that continues to tell a story as vibrant and complex as the era it encapsulates.

As we turn the page on this chapter of history, we carry with us a newfound understanding of the human tapestry that is beautifully interwoven with joy and complexity, celebration and contemplation, marking “The Kiss” as a truly timeless emblem of the human experience.


Credibility is the bedrock of all great articles, and ours is no exception. The exploration of “The Kiss” was not birthed in a vacuum but was instead a collaborative effort. This journey through history and culture was guided by a host of scholars, biographers, and researchers whose diligent work brought the story to life. The following references were instrumental in forming our understanding of the iconic photograph and the tales it has to tell:

  1. “V-J Day in Times Square.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [Link]
  2. LIFE Magazine, August 27, 1945. Eisenstaedt, Alfred.
  3. Berman, Eliza. “The Story Behind the Iconic ‘Kiss’ Photograph.” Time Magazine. Published on August 14, 2015.
  4. Verria, Lawrence and Galdorisi, George. “The Kissing Sailor: The Mystery Behind the Photo That Ended World War II.” Published on April 16, 2012.
  5. Hill, Erin. “Greta Zimmer Friedman, Woman in Iconic WWII Times Square Kiss Photograph, Dies at 92.” People Magazine. Published on September 10, 2016.
  6. “Alfred Eisenstaedt.” International Center of Photography.

While these references serve as a springboard for our journey, they are by no means exhaustive. The story of “The Kiss” continues to unfold, and we invite you, our readers, to delve deeper, to explore further, and to add to the conversation. History, after all, is not just a collection of past events but an ongoing dialogue between the past, present, and future.

Let Eisenstaedt’s photograph serve as a reminder that every snapshot has a story to tell, and it is through seeking these stories that we enrich our understanding of the world.



Juan José González

Doctor en Derecho, Abogado, Analista en Ciberseguridad y Ciberinteligencia -- Ph.D. Law | LL.M | Also posting #beautiful #art #cool content. DM credit-removal